
  1. True / False.  Copyright protection applies only to published works.

  2. True / False.  Because of copyright law and its "fair use" doctrine, all libraries should display a copyright notice sign on or near their photocopiers.

  3. The "fair use" doctrine permits reproduction of copyrighted materials without permission under certain conditions, including:
    1. a library patron's copy of an article or book chapter must be intended for private use, such as research, and not for profit
    2. a library may make one copy of a missing or damaged work if a replacement copy cannot be purchased at a reasonable price
    3. teachers may make one copy of an article or book chapter for their own use in study or teaching preparation
    4. teachers may make multiple copies to be used in the classroom year after year
    5. all of the above
    6. a., b., and c.
    7. a. b., and d.

  4. Copyright (CONTU) guidelines for interlibrary loan include the following:
    1. in a calendar year a library may request, from a single journal title, no more than five articles which were published within the last five years
    2. libraries must keep records for three years on the filled interlibrary loan transactions which follow CONTU guidelines
    3. the lending library may fill an interlibrary loan request only if the borrowing library states that the request meets the guidelines
    4. these restrictions do not apply to journal articles that were published over five years ago
    5. all of the above
    6. a., b. and c.