Colorful drawing of a large copy machine making copies.

Copying of an article or other similar item

If the item is an article or chapter that can be copied, this will be done, and the copy of the article will be sent, either electronically or through the USPS mail or perhaps through a courier service, if that is an option.  More and more often, if the library has the necessary equipment, ILL articles are being sent electronically.  While this uses staff time and requires some sort of scanning capabilities, the benefit of rapid delivery and postage savings can balance out the costs.  Sometimes the loaning library will then have a way to indicate, if an online request program or network is used, that the item is on its way to the requestor.

It is helpful to attach a copy of the borrower’s request to the photocopied article.  This is useful as a verification tool for both the lender and the borrower.

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